Depth-first search

Depth-first search (DFS) is a strategy that expands the deepest node in the current frontier. Thus, the frontier is based on a Last-In First-Out node container. The DFS approach is not optimal nor complete. The solution it yields is not based on any particular cost criterion: depending on which path is explored first the result may vary. Let’s say it is a somewhat “daring” approach because it takes the first path it comes across and goes to the end with it hoping it leads to the destination as soon as possible. This gives DFS a space complexity advantage over its breadth-first counterpart. While DFS has an equally concerning exponential time complexity , where is the branching factor and is the maximum depth of the search tree, it has a linear space complexity , which makes it more appealing for an effective (and feasible) implementation. DFS saves a lot of memory because it needs to store only one path from the root of the search tree to a leaf node.

In order to implement the DFS algorithm, let’s now reap the benefit of having coded the abstract data type (ADT) search procedure. Note that DFS can be easily specified if the ADT-search algorithm is given a handle to a function that manages the frontier as a stack, see Figure 1.

Figure 1. Stack insertion function.

## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{insertion} =} ins_fifo(@var{frontier}, @var{node})
## Stack insertion.
## PRE:
## @var{frontier} must be a struct array for the frontier.
## @var{node} must be a struct for the node.
## POST:
## @var{insertion} is the extended frontier.
## @end deftypefn

## Author: Alexandre Trilla <>

function [insertion] = ins_lifo(frontier, node)

  insertion = [node frontier];


Are you wondering why all these search strategies have such a similar implementation pattern? Does all seem to be a matter of tweaking a line or two and giving it a new name? You are right. They don’t need to be so similar. In the following post you’ll see how DFS is implemented applying recursivity, for development convenience, and how its complexity features can also be bounded. Stay tuned!

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